Monday, October 5, 2009

Good Friends, Good Food, Good Times!

The Sunday after my dive I had a boatload of people over to my humble little shack for dinner. Hmm, what was I thinking? Not only did I feel like I'd had a USB plugged into me which had transferred all of my energy to somewhere else but my place is too small to have that many people. In total there were 11 of us. It was cozy and we made it through and had a delightful time.
On the Menu:
Fresh Peach Iced Tea
(Fresh only because it had real peaches from that morning and a slice in each glass)

A Cool Cucumber Mint Refresher
(Mmm, you'll see in a minute)

Fresh Guacamole & Chips
Fresh Salsa

Entrée :
Caldo de Rez
(Otherwise known as Beef Soup, but not like you're thinking... mmm)

(Sort of like Churros but flaky and flat like a tortilla with cinnamon & sugar)
Yum, sounds good... hmm, maybe I'll go make one right now. Haha!

Pastor Steve, his wife Brenda, Johnny and Cherita (i.e. Cher)
I think Johnny and Steve were on their 3rd bowl by this point. Haha!
Roseanna! What a great smile. Mmmm!!
So either she really likes the food or she's really excited she doesn't have to cook. :)
I finally got her to share the guac... hehe!
Chris & Sandy
I had to bring my patio furniture in to have a few extra spots.
So this is now my official indoor/outdoor patio. Nice! :)

Ethan finally came to me, bribed by promises of sharing my drink with him.
Natalie loves Jake and as you can tell he loves them.
Well, maybe he loves that Ethan is his size and there's sweet stuff on his face.

Ok, so this is the Cucumber Mint Refresher... as you can see, it was a hit!!

I got a play-by-play of Ethan licking the edge of the glass, rotating, licking, rotating, licking. Haha, Johnny eventually told him he couldn't have any more of his drink, though it did justify Johnny asking for bottomless refills. Haha!

I made enough soup to feed an army, literally. So I loaded up the trough and took it to churh for our Sunday-night-after-service-get-together. The funny thing is, everyone in the church got a taste of it... hmmm... can someone say, portion control?!?! Yikes, I had enough left over to take to some friends and some for lunch as well. Haha! Well, when you only eat it once a year its worth it.

I take dinner requests but the resounding answer for the food choice is always 'MEXICAN.'  Hmmm? Is there something I should know!?!

Mmmm... maybe next time you can come!


~*Ashley*~ said...

Your Cucumber Mint Refresher looks good! How did you make it?

~*Ashley*~ said... :) luv n miss u 2!

Dan Williams said...

Looks like a lot of fun. Miss you all and look forward to seeing you all again.