Thursday, September 17, 2009

All things...

All things work together for good to them who love God, to them who are called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28)
It has always been known by my friends and family that "GOOD DEALS" always come my way. Hmmm! For this reason I often find myself as other's personal shopper for specific or particular items. I have an unbeatable track record. Haha! Like this is really something to be proud of, huh?! :)  Well, recently there have been a few girls that have been coming to our church that did not before. I spoke to one of the girls, which is a Jr. in High School and she said she really wanted to get some clothes for church. I couldn't get away from this thought so I went out to some of my 'reliable' shoppes and found some great buys. Interestingly enough, at both stores, the cashiers asked me if I had a coupon and I said, 'No!' So they both reached under the counter and pulled out 2 coupons and then handed me one and told me to put it in my purse for the next time and then proceeded to apply another coupon on today's purchase. IMAGINE THAT... TWO DIFFERENT STORES, TWO DIFFERENT CASHIERS, TWO DIFFERENT SCENARIOS AND THE SAME RESPONSE!! I was so excited! Haha, doesn't take much for me to get excited. :)

At the second store, the cashier asked if I'd watched a 'political journalistic' show.  Before I could answer the lady behind me said, "Everything is getting so bad, isn't it?" To this I could not help but respond. I said, "I believe in the Second coming of Christ and I don't think it'll be very long until His return." She looked at me with wide eyes and said, "Something's gonna' happen isn't it? Things are changing so fast." I agreed and said, "Yes. The decline and changes are happening so quickly that something has to happen." Christ's return!

I walked out of the last store and started heading to another one, but felt I had gotten enough so I turned around and headed home instead. Romans 8:28 came to mind and I thought, surely God had worked these good things out for myself and for the girls. It is precious to know that our FATHER is looking out for us - NO MATTER our need!!

Wow, what if I'd not gone today? What if I'd stayed home?  Maybe I could have said more or maybe less, but I'm certain that God can lead open hearts regardless.
Have you trusted Him today?

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