Thursday, September 17, 2009

Cherished memories, then and now (Part 5 - the Finale)

Sunday, Labor Day weekend: 
Attending the Fallon Bible Missionary Church on Rice Road has and always will be a highlight of my trips 'back home.'

This Sunday was a very special day! My brother Christopher and my sister Christine dedicated little Aurelius and Sofia Denice, their first-born babies. They pledged to teach and guide their children to love God and to follow Him to gain heaven - WHATEVER the cost!

(Memory Lane)

As I approach the church so many treasured memories flood my mind, and tears well up every time I see this beloved little white steepled church.  For it is in this place where I came to know God and the precious gift of His Son Jesus. Even now, as I write this, it is hard to remember without tears... my heart swells with gratitude for this little church and the few faithful people it has always had in it's congregation. You see, it was here where one man believed there was 'hope' for a strong-willed little Spanish girl, it was here he got a promise that God would be a very special part of her life. I am glad to report that today God is the most important part of my life... and all because of the sacrifice of one man who was willing to obey God's call to the desert.
As I sit on the familiar pews; my mind is summoned to ministry, reminded of the great commission and called to evaluate my life and its purpose. I mentally answer the same questions they asked when I was young. How many people did you witness to this week? How many people did you invite to church? Who memorized their scripture? Who's the friend you brought today? Did you bring your Bible? Sword Drill; I wonder who will win? Does anyone want to help with the songs?  Who would like to go calling? 
Hmmm, maybe it's time I asked myself those questions again - take inventory. There will never be any other place in this life, however beautiful or serene, which will ever mean more to me than this little country church. (Someday soon, I will add a picture, maybe you'll fall in love with it too.)

After the dedication we spent the afternoon taking pictures.
It's sorta' becoming a tradition. I so enjoy photography, though there is still so much to learn.

*Sofia Denice Brown*

Princesses get tired too! :)
Princess Hands!
Princess Feet!!



Ok, that's enough!
That flash is killing me! :)

Precious little feet!
 Precious Memories!

Treasured Moments!!


  Don't ask what they were laughing about. Hmm, two guys in the group... well, I'm sure you can figure it out. Ha!

Happy Mommies!!

A few random pics: 

(These are both of their feet. Little Sofie's is on the top and
my buddy Aurelius' is the other. Awe, so cute!)
                               Sleeping Beauty! 
Proud Abuelito & Abuelita.
One of my favorite pics. Uh, I obviously didn't take it.
My 12 year old nephew Rueben did with only a li'l coaching.
He has an amazing eye. :) Good job bud! :)

                Can't forget Rueben!

Family, what a wonderful word! 
I missed them before I ever left early the following morning.

This was, by far, the BEST Labor Day weekend I've ever had!


Anonymous said...

Wow, babies are truly a gift from the Lord. Your niece & nephew are very precious. Thanks for sharing & keep them coming=]

Christine Brown said...

Love all the pics and really appreciated that you were able to come and meet your little niece. Thx a ton. Love you.

Martha C said...

Oh, I love the baby pics, Janet!