Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Soapbox and a lighter note

A guy at work yesterday asked me if I had seen such and such a movie and I told him, 'no' and that I do not have a television. He then mentioned something about my being Amish. This is how the conversation went.
Me-"Amish? Ok! So, what exactly makes me Amish?"
Him- "Well you wear skirts all the time."
"OK?!?! So, again, what makes me Amish?
"Well, it's that you wear the same thing all the time."
"Uh, well you do to. You wear shorts and a T-shirt every day... so what does that make you?"
His profound response, "Normal!"
I just looked at him and said, "And what exactly is normal?"
He could not answer me, he just chuckled.
It bugs me when people make these types of comments and do not justify their premise, especially when they're talking about what someone believes.

So, I was a little perturbed when I went home but thought nothing really more of it. I decided I would be a bit more to myself and less social today.

This morning I came in and did not say much and when this guy came in and asked how I was. I asked him if he planned on being nice today. He apologized and said he was not trying to be mean. The he proceeded with this statement. "Don't get me wrong, I like your style, you dress nice, really. It's that I'd just really like to see you in a pair of jeans some day." THIS, coming from a guy who told me (a few months ago) that I oughta' start wearing make-up and tight revealing clothes BECAUSE GUYS LIKE IT! Oh and lastly the same guy which told me (a few day ago) that I oughta' act DUMB because guys like that. (Might I add in the next breath he asked me a question about a process in which I knew the answer and he did not... I told him "I am sorry I can't help you, (while bobbing my head left and right) because I'm acting dumb right now."

Sometimes I am extremely 'nice' to people and I often find myself getting into trouble because of it... especially with guys. I guess nice now translates to immediate flirting which is ABSOLUTELY NOT THE CASE!! This of course is not the case in this situation, nor do I think he thinks that, but when a girl, like myself is as conservative as I am, this IS NOT a 'compliment,' it is a degrading insult. Most girls seek this type of reaction. I DO NOT!! I am comfortable with the person I am and do not NEED clothes to solidify it. I do not seek approval or acceptance by what I wear or do.

I told him he could forget about that because that would NEVER happen. This brings me to my next frustration!

I really wanted to say, well, "I'd really like to see you in pantyhose and a skirt, why not add a slip and some extra frills underneath while your at it... oh and don't forget the wire just for kicks, to insure everything's in it's perfect place for visual aesthetics." Hmmm.. oh wait, that wouldn't be NORMAL FOR A GUY TO WEAR. Funny isn't it?!?!

It's important to say I graduated with a Bachelor's in Sociology.
Ok, so society has it's place and trust me I loved the study of it as much as one could... but we are such a STUPID people sometimes. I have never understood why it's 'OK' for women to wear sleeveless tops as business wear but not men, why it's 'expected' that women wear 'fitted' clothes while guys pants are hanging past their bacon. HELLO? Have you ever noticed when you're out how the women are well put together, pressed, matching and polished and guys are usually in a dingy T with cargo pants torn at the bottoms and oil stained; not to mention the mustard from their hot dog lunch is still lingering on their shirt. Guys, we too enjoy nice scenery... thus the reason we hike in nature on a daily basis. :) Haha!!

I mean come on folks. People think we're weird!!! Christians are not the NORM they say!!!

Well, from the 'normal' examples I've seen... who would want to be!

Haha... so there, I feel better! :)

No actually, I felt better before but I really wanted to tell about this - it's just important to me.

So, if you have an opinion about this, please leave a comment, I'd be interested in what you have to say.


I decided to stay late at work tonight to help out since I'm going to be out of the office for a few days. I noticed one of my co-workers, Robin, walking past my desk repeatedly. Well, I knew something musta' been wrong because she was supposed to have been gone by then. I guess her car was not starting and a guy that went out to look at it said, "Uh, sorry Robin.. good luck." Huh? This guy just left Robin outside in the dark and didn't even OFFER to help. He turned the key and the car didn't start so his job was over. Hello?

Haha... LOL!! =)

We are definately a product of your circumstances.

Hmmm, well, I've never met something I wasn't willing to try, OK, well maybe a few things, but I went out with her and decided it was her battery. It was already after 9PM and she was waiting for a tow truck. I got some tools out, and decided to disconnect the battery and try to find a place to buy a new one. We had so much fun, laughing while we were standing in the drizzling rain trying to disconnect a battery in the dark.

Oh, I also decided, Chevy builds cars so only THEY can work on them. They had all these weird plastic things sticking out from everywhere so you could not get your hand in any spot to unscrew bolts and they had bolts in places you couldn't even reach. So feeling a challenge before me, I decided the battery was coming out even if it was in pieces. Haha!!! I finally got it out!! And yes, in one piece. My hands looked so masculine with oil and gunk all over them it made me laugh when I thought of that 'stupid jeans comment' from earlier. Grrr!!!

After 'searching' for a place to buy a battery we got back to our work parking lot. Of course, everyone was gone by then. So we went to work on the battery. BINGO!! The car started!! Yippee... I'm not my daddy's girl for nothing! Hehe!! :)

An office full of guys and look whose workin' on the car... the girls! Give me my skirt and hand me a wrench while you're at it!!

It was super important for her to get this car started because she lives over 30 miles away and would not have had transportation otherwise and you can't hardly miss a day at work without getting super behind. She was so grateful she repaid me with wipers for my car. Haha... well, I needed some, so after arguing with her that 'she was not going to pay for them'... she paid for them. Haha!

The funny thing is... I couldn't change the stupid things. Haha.. that battery was a pain in the keeeester and those lame little wipers were not budging for anything.
I thought it was hilarious!!!

I started my 45 minute drive home at a little after 10PM with the same
ol' wipers on my car.

Good times!! :)

1 comment:

Roseanna said...

ha ha! that was so cool that you were able to figure it out. liked that story :)