Monday, July 27, 2009

Doggy Yoga... too cute!

I was doing my morning exercises and someone felt left out.

Guess who?

Haha, so he got on the mat and started doing a few
tricks of his own.

It was hilarious!

(no speedos for him.. haha)

(He also does Downward Dog, but he was getting a little shy)

The funny thing is, he actually holds some of the sitting positions for a long time.

He's so much fun...great if you don't have kids to entertain you.
Hehe! =)

Time for a smoothie... yum!

Happy Stretching!! 8-)


Christine Brown said...

He is sooo cute. He reminds me of the commercial on tv for yogurt or something and the dog is doing yoga. Jake is so smart.

Joy in the Journey said...

He's so much fun!! He makes me laugh all of the time and breaks up the silence at home. So glad I have him. =)