Wednesday, July 1, 2009


this is the cry of my heart.

For several years I have felt the Lord tug at my heart and whisper the word, "simplify." I, once again, heard that sweet whisper this morning while I was running. Was it the breeze, a thought or the still small voice of my Heavenly Father? "I heard His voice, I heard Him say, follow me and I'll show you the way!"

I have never been a 'simple' person, though it is the cry of my heart and envy to be such... but, of late, I have felt God draw me in this direction. I have often prayed and wondered, how much easier would our lives, no, my life,be - if only I were simple. Simple in my faith, my trust, my hopes, my possessions, my desires and my ambitions. How simple - yet profound!

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