Thursday, July 30, 2009

Wow! What a day!!

*A Memorable Morning*

The day began with a flight on a Cessna 172.
We flew over 3 mountain ranges and 3 lakes.

(Prepare for Take off)
I was so excited, everything was funny!

Jake actually let me take off... it was a little scary at first.
He then took control and hovered over the ground for a bit on a soft take off.
It was really cool!
(Ok, so self portraits in a plane, with turbulence,
are not easy to take. )

(Rockin' Left to Right)

( I was flying the plane on my own, over a lake, help!)

Jake said, "ok, just try to keep it straight. I thought he was joking and then I
noticed he'd let go of the controls and he really meant,
I was having a hard time seeing over the tall dash, you know for the lines to fly within, haha...
I then realized it's not at all like a car, duh! You are really depending on the wind and the choke to keep you steady.

When Jake took the pic above, he said,
"I'm gonna' take it sorta' slanted
that's how you fly the plane, ok?!"

Haha.. very funny!
It's harder than you think!


Oh, I almost forgot, when we turned to go back to the airport... I was the only one stepping on the peddle to turn the plane, while I was also trying to keep it straight.
I was so excited!!
Haha, well, I got us turned back the right direction... but the whole 'STRAIGHT' idea, well, that was another thing... oops! :)

On our way back it was 65 Degrees outside - it felt great when I opened the window. I was joking that I was flying the plane with one hand. I realized then
I really was, because Jake had let go. Yikes!! :)

(The descent)


The flight felt so much shorter than it was. =(

(Back on solid ground)

We had so much fun!!


*An Afternoon to Remember*

I had made plans to spend some time with Cherita today since the airport I was at was on her side of town. So, here's how it went. She ran some 'fun' errands. Blah... so Natalie and I stayed in the car and made the best of it.
(Bright ideas!!) (Secrets.. hmmm!)

Goofy faces are sooo much fun! Especially when you can get a PRINCESS to do them with.
She's so my little buddy! :)
She once said, "Janet, we are such GOOD FRIENDS aren't we?!
I love you so much!"
Now that's good stuff!!

This was followed by Cher finding a new innovative way to enjoy a curly fry.
Ah... great segway to our next adventure... well, maybe not.

What fun we had playing, sliding and pretending we were mermaids in the water. Haha, I told Cher that Natalie should write children's books, she has an unbelievable imagination.
What a great way to spend a day off!

Should sleep well tonight!!


Anonymous said...

Looks like you had a great time.. Steve's side of the family have their own planes and fly all the time.. they never could get me to go when I was younger( didnt trust them) but I just might with the right person( my hubby)hehehe.. Glad you got to take a break from your stressful job and play a lil!! Have a great week!

Emma said...

What an incredible adventure! I can't wait to see your skydiving pics and hear all about the latest and greatest! You're amazing and I love your adventurous spirit! xoxoxo I <3 you bunches!