Monday, September 21, 2009

Something old, something new, something borrowed, SOMEONE BLUE!

You may recall seeing this photo in a previous post. This is my luxury liner... a 1999 Honda Accord EXL Coupe. It is fully equipped with all the niceties including a sunroof and spoiler, as you can see. There are a lot of  great thing about having an OLDer car, some of which include: NO CAR PAYMENTS, affordable insurance, good gas mileage, NO CAR PAYMENTS oh and did I say, NO CAR PAYMENTS. Ok, so as you can see there is ONE main advantage of having an older car. The only problem with it is that you may find yourself having to complete repairs on it and slowly replace old parts with new parts.  Let me explain. I awakened this morning before my alarm and decided today would be a nice day for a hike. I washed off my patio, watered my plants, fed the pooch and headed out the door. The mornings, err shall I say EARLY mornings are getting cooler (note I did not say cool, yet).  As I walked to my car, I saw Kathy outside with Sally, I told her I'd be happy to take her hiking with us so after a few minutes of tussling and romping, Jake and Sally were ready to load up for their excursion. I clicked my 'clicker' to unlock my door and reached for the handle to get in and  'wallah' nothing happened. Hmmm? I locked it again and clicked again and still nothing happened. Hmmm! Kathy went in through the passenger side door and pulled on the driver's side handle to open it but STILL nothing happened. Grrr... so now what! The dogs were loaded in, Sally was driving and Jake was in the back seat waiting for her to start the car. I had gotten in the car and gotten as far as the passenger's seat. Hmmm, this was not working out so well. Wearing a skirt, crawling over a center console in a coupe and trying to maintain a level of respect from onlookers is not a good combination. :) Now is a good time to remind myself that I DO NOT HAVE A CAR PAYMENT! Haha!!

Why is it that when one thing goes out, everything seems to follow suit? It's like one sends a memo to the rest of your belongings and then it all goes downhill from there. My computer has been acting up, the brakes in my car along with some other minor and major repairs are also screaming for attention. So what is a girl to do?! I guess I'll have to borrow a car from someone for a day and start adding some NEW to my OLD to keep me from getting BLUE. :) At least I've got my health, oh and NO CAR PAYMENT! =) Hehe!

One last question remains. Do I crawl in from the passengers side or 'Duke's of Hazard' it in through the driver's side window? Ha! ;-)


christine brown said...

Wow,that's a big bummer. Hmmm. depending how much repairs are you might have to have a car payment.

Misty said...

I'm thinking the "DUKES OF HAZARD" way. Just let me get my camera ready first.

The Dickinsons said...

Sad! =(

I cancelled my Facebook account for right now, for I can't check it on the road. If I ever join again, you'll be on my list of friends. =)

Looking forward to seeing you soon!! =)

Joy in the Journey said...

Christine, I'll probably exceed months worth of car payments unfortunately. :(

Misty, Whooowheee. :) Love yu too! :p

Heather, glad you're feeling better. I CAN'T wait to see you. I also took a li'l vacation from FB. :)