Wednesday, August 26, 2009

25 Random Things About me

1. I went to 2 years of head start school, at age 3, before starting Kindergarten
2. I saved all of my money to buy my first planner at age 11 (Haha... musta' been pretty important.)
3. I sang the 'Vivaldi Gloria' in Latin at New York City's Carnegie Hall with my High School Choir
4. I love to travel, stateside and beyond. I have driven cross country multiple times.
There's so much to see here in the U. S.
**I would love to repel and rock climb some time, see the Northern lights, go to Canada and Alaska! ( I hope to do all of these things someday).
5. I love adventure and trying new things. (I am going skydiving soon and have flown in a helicopter, been on a bungee swing, ridden on motorcycles & ... =))
6. I write and have had some works published.
7. I love giving to people, doing things for others to make their lives easier and make them feel special. :)
5. I am a communicator and love public speaking and teaching.
6. I LOVE kids and treasure families and the wholesome love, friendships and memories they create. (I would someday love to have one of my own.)
7. I love lullabies!! :) I guess there's a kid in all of us. =) Haha.. silly, I know.
(Sometimes being grown-up is too complicated. )
8. I love good hugs. =) Bear hugs are the best!!!
9. I LOVE the outdoors better than anywhere else!!! BEST place in the world! I love mountains, waterfalls, rippling streams, the ocean, rushing waves, fall leaves or calm meadows.
10. I enjoy the newness of mornings. I love awakening the sun from it's nighttime slumber. ;)
11. I love the company of a friend sharing a common interest.
12. I Love learning!! I research just about anything.. haha, crazy I know. :)
13. I don't like to be in control, hmmm, contrary to popular opinion, I'm sure. =) I will always hand the keys to someone else whenever I get a chance (well, that's if I trust 'em.. haha). I will take control 'IF I HAVE TO,' but I DO NOT prefer it... and I'm not super comfortable with being the Boss. :(
14. There's something about Summer Nights!! They always take me back to my carefree younger years. :) Good times!
15. I love flying!! I love to fly in planes, and just recently got a chance to fly one myself. Very Cool! :)
16. I like driving and road trips. I don't mind driving to a destination alone but would prefer to travel with someone else or meet up with others.
17. I am loyal to a fault!!! I often believe in someone long past their own/others hope for them.
18. Cooking is one of my favorite things to do. Cooking for others is definitely on the top of my favorites list.
19. I enjoy photography. I began this hobby when I was 11 yrs. old. I would like to increase my knowledge in this area.
20. I am not a good pretender. I am transparent... no guessing. :-/Yikes. Hmm.
20a.Oh and there is one thing I ABHOR more than anything in this world -- LIES!!
20b. I cherish and respect HONESTY and TRUTH!!
21. I have taught Spanish since I was in High School. Teaching is one of my favorite passions.
22. I might be a li'l ADD... not my energy just my mind... as pointed out by one of my dear friends. Haha!!! I often feel like there's so much more for me to learn, to do or to try =)
23. I HATE COCKROACHES and even have to look away while I type 'THAT WORD' otherwise I get all weirded out! Grrr... YUCK!! I think they may have been God's only mistake. GROSS!!
(I almost fell off a 2-story balcony one time someone pretended to throw one at me... my sister saved my life. Coulda' been bad.) Bet he woulda' felt bad! haha!! :)
24. I love sunsets, listening to lightning, crickets/night sounds and rain (love the smell of rain and getting drenched as it falls - no umbrella). Yippee!!!
25. I LOVE WEATHER... Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer (if it's not too hot)... I prefer cold weather.. love the fun clothes too. :) SNOW IS MY FAVORITE!!! Teeeheee!! :)
25a. I love to laugh!! =0)

*** BEST OF ALL***

There are some silly number mistakes on this post... I know... just not worried about ' it enough to remove 'em. Haha!! :) Sorry OCD folks, hope you don't go CrAzY with it. =)

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