Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Planning & Preparation

Ok, so I am trying to plan the hikes I want to take while in Yosemite and one of the first things I ran into in my search for great trails was this...

There have been more than 20 deaths on Half Dome itself,
and if you count the trail leading up to Half Dome,
the number leaps to more than 60.

Yikes, check out this link... it's unbelievable.

(click on each pic below to get a closer view)

In case you want to take it easy, they've created 2 trails for your hiking pleasure.
You decide!
Would you like the...
long version or ...

the short version. Gulp! :-/

Hmmm... this is debatable.
Wowzers!!! I am so super impressed by the people that do this.
They have my utmost respect!!

I remember seeing people scale this mountain when I was younger but they didn't have cables for common-folk, like myself, to enjoy this trail. Amazing! I can't wait to see it all in person.
I may try to venture on the beginning of one of these trails but, I'm pretty sure, I'll not be making the full ascent.. or at least not planning on it. Hmmm?!?! ;-)

Haha, if you notice no posts on my blog for a few months, then you'll know I may have attempted it and am probably just healing from having my limbs reattached or that I'm still learning how to dial the phone with my noise while in a full body cast. :) YIKES!

There are over 800 hiking miles in Yosemite, it makes you kinda' wonder what draws people to these SPECIFIC 14.2 miles. What is it in 'us' that makes us sometimes want to push the limits and go to the extreme? I don't know really, but the funny thing is, I'm one of those crazy people. I guess it's because the majority won't. THAT makes it MORE appealing!!

There's something about saying you've done it. Kinda' like skydiving or wrangling will crocodiles. Some of us have more curiosity than we have brains... haha. I'll admit there's something about trying things a lot of other people won't try. I guess I'm impressed by the 'discipline & dedication' required to accomplish these tasks and the drive to live to tell about it.
Strange, I know! :) Haha!!
I love that we're ALL SO DIFFERENT!!

"For who maketh thee to differ from another?..." (I Cor. 4:7)

It's a good thing!! :)

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