Sunday, August 9, 2009

What a Trade

There was a time when I was not extremely comfortable among the church; and classrooms, workplaces and coworkers were much more accepted in my life. But today, things are different. Praise God!!

There is no other place in this world where I am more comfortable than in the presence of God's people, God's Holy place and among the Spirit of the Almighty; wherever it might be. There is no greater joy in my life than knowing a life has been transformed by HIS SOVEREIGN GRACE AND ALMIGHTY POWER! Oh what a change grace has wrought.

Sunday's used to be a welcomed day of rest, but now it's no longer just a day of rest, rather a day for spiritual renewal and fellowship with friends. There is no other day in the week which I love more than Sunday.
(How I adore God's special little treasures.
God help me to be a good example by which they will not stumble.)

God has been working in our church in a most wonderful way; despite the enemies fierce attacks, we are holding on to His promises and believing in faith for souls. Recently a young man from our Indian work in Mesa was saved, along with many others, but today 'Chico' got up to testify. He spoke of the way God had sought him, followed after him in love and wooed him to come to Him. You see, Chico was a gang member and had been involved in drugs and alcohol among countless other things, but God, in His love and mercy stretched out His loving hand to him. Oh what joy to see the tears roll down Chico's face as he testifies and asks, "Why, why would God love me, why would he want me? I cannot understand it, but oh the peace I have. I'm not going back - NEVER!" Chico's wife Leticia is currently incarcerated, she was saved prior to, but desperately needs our prayers as she will be facing a court hearing on Friday. Please pray for her. God knows all the details.

My heart resounds the words of this beautiful song...

I've been given something that does not contain a price
This jewel has been a precious one,
It's rays have touched my life

It's a heritage of holiness and to it I will hold on

Lest I lose this precious vision, that Generations have passed on

I don't wanna' lose the vision,

I don't wanna' take for granted
The heritage of holiness that has been passed on

I don't wanna' lose the fire
I don't wanna' lose the glory and

I LONG FOR HIS OUTPOURING all across the land

If this plan of salvation would have required a price, I am afraid I would not have been able to afford it. Rather, Christ paid my price with His precious life and I was offered this treasure for the mere worth of my sinful life, and oh... what a change. I have gotten the best part of the trade. A life ruined and wasted, for a life rich in mercy, forgiven and new. Oh what a wonderful story of love... the story of Christ, my Lord is truly THE GREATEST STORY EVER TOLD!!! But more than just a story, it's my reality. I'm living proof.. it works!
Glory be to God!!


Lisa said...

I am, like you were, uncomfortable going to church or church functions. Many years ago I left the church. I was very angry and very bitter towards God. Thankful, a few years after leaving, I realized that my anger was misdirected and that I was angry at Christians, not Christianity. Because of that, I am still hesitant to return, but I feel hopeful in knowing that my faith will only grow and strengthen, so that I can join the church again, joyfully, as you have.
You have a wonderful blog, keep it up.

Joy in the Journey said...

Lisa, you left me a message on my blog and I thank you for that. I appreciate your kind words!

A word regarding your latest post, "love and hate." I am single and in my early 30's. I have never been married and have often longed for nothing more than to have a family. A few years ago I was told I may never have children due to some medical complications which I was completely unaware of. Having no spousal prospect, this news came as a torrent of destruction to my hopes and dreams. I have still not yet married and silence and solitude are often my only companions. I have a dog now, which is a blessing, but there is nothing that can replace the love and company of a family. How do I know, because I cherish the memories of the one I grew up in and I long for the family I see my friends enjoy. Look up, dear heart, take hope in the one that entrusted these little treasures to you. I can only borrow children for moments, but you are blessed to have them for a lifetime. :) Psalms 121 God has NEVER failed anyone, defeat is not a word that he will ever know... claim victory through Him for ALL THINGS!

(I do not know you but God knows you)

Roseanna said...

well put (the post and the side comment) :)