Monday, August 24, 2009

Nothing Compares

There's something amazing about PRAYER!!

It's not only a time of communion with our Heavenly Father but a sacred place where one finds strength, refuge, enlightenment and new surrender.

I often find myself lost in thoughts as I drive, walk, hike... pondering the reality of this life. So many often ask, "What's this life about, and what are we here for?" There are so many questions, so many thoughts, so many longings which mankind cannot understand.

There are answers!!
There is hope, purpose and a REASON for this life.

I recently came across this quote.
"Two hands working can do more than a thousand clasped in prayer." (Anonymous)

I can't explain what my heart felt when I first read this... except maybe a sense of sadness. Oh, how can I explain it, how can others begin to comprehend something they've not experienced? Prayer is a means to the throne of The Almighty God, The Creator of the Universe and a place where lowly man can bring his petitions before a sovereign and merciful God. Where he can be heard, but not only heard, listened to. Prayer changes things, it's been said, but so many have yet to experience it.
Oh what an honor, what a privilege to pray!
When I look back on my life... I realize one truth remains.
The best person I ever was without God,
is not even close to the least I've ever been with God.

I am, by far, a much better person, certainly not in my own right, but through Him.

It's important for us to know...
God did not send His Son to make,
"Bad people Good."
God did not send His Son to make,
"Good people Better."
He came that we through Him might have LIFE,
more abundantly on this earth and
eternally with Him forevermore.

My brother once told me, "Well, you are a little extreme, you know... there has to be a middle somewhere from what you believe to what it 'should' be." My immediate response even caught me off guard. I asked him if it was extreme that Christ had suffered the way He did, if it was extreme that He was brutalized, mocked and murdered the way that He was. You see, extreme is just 'OK' when you're saving the whales, the forest, the owl or the planet but not when we talk about saving our SOULS! The Scriptures talk of a day when mankind will 'worship creation more than the Creator,' it seems that time has come.

My heart feels a quickening, an urgency and a desperation for others to know Him. I remember a pastor of mine once said,
" if you're looking for a thrill, adventure, romance, mystery and excitement... serve God!"
How true it is!! And only then will you know the meaning of:

The Wonderful Cross
The Precious Blood
Eternal Life

Only God can make Light prevail where darkness seems the Conqueror.
Only God!

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